Sasa Designs

SASA Designs


In Kenya, unemployment rates for the deaf are as high as 85%, as the deaf are generally considered to be unsuited for work. This discrimination is heightened against deaf women, who are often mistreated by their spouses or families. Sasa Designs by the Deaf was founded in 2011 to combat the stigma of deafness, and to offer jewelry-making jobs to deaf women who otherwise may never have been able to earn a living. The artisans at Sasa are mostly single mothers who work hard to support their children by making enough money to feed them and send them to school. The organization operates out of a safe, clean workspace where artisans can feel respected and accomplished.

Artisan Voices

““Thank God for Sasa Designs, one thing I know is that God has never forgotten me.”
— Flora
Flora lost her hearing at age seven following a bout of illness. She got married at an early age and was abused by her husband, but struggled to provide for her children once they were separated. Flora thanks God for the opportunity to work with Sasa Designs which allows her to pay her rent and the school fees for her children.