Supporters & Partnership Organizations
Global Goods Partners advances its mission with strong support from a variety of foundations and partnership organizations. Their generosity and commitment to poverty alleviation and social justice is a vital source of strength for GGP.
CGI Latin America (CGLA) convenes leaders to turn ideas into action. CGI America Commitments to Action represent bold new ways that CGI commitment makers address global challenges—implemented through new methods of partnership and designed to maximize impact. Commitments can be small or large, global or local. No matter the size or scope, commitments help CGI Latin America commitment makers translate practical goals into meaningful and measurable results.
The American Jewish World Service is dedicated to alleviating poverty, hunger and disease among the people of the developing world through grants to grassroots organizations, volunteer service, advocacy, and education.
The Andrew Goodman Foundation's mission is to recognize, encourage and inspire creative and effective action in support of social justice, human dignity and civil rights.
The Artisan Business Network (ABN) empowers Haitians with entrepreneurial tools, design input, and market access. The Network makes essential improvements in earnings and community wellbeing through commerce based in Haiti’s profound artisanal culture.
Founded by two American women widowed on 9/11, Beyond the 11th is a nonprofit organization that provides support to widows in Afghanistan who have been afflicted by war, terrorism and oppression.
Business Council of Peace (Bpeace) believes the path to peace is lined with jobs. We work with entrepreneurs in conflict-affected countries to scale their businesses, create significant employment for all, and expand the economic power of women. More jobs mean less violence.
#Fair Tuesday is a GGP initiative that creates awareness about fair trade and conscious consumerism during the holiday shopping season. The annual campaign kicks off on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving and encourages shoppers to engage in positive change by purchasing fair trade gifts for friends and family.
The Global Fund for Women is an international network of women and men committed to a world of equality and social justice. GFW advocates for and defends women's human rights by making grants to support women's groups around the world.
The Jewish Women’s Foundation of New York is a nonprofit grant making organization that seeks to raise the consciousness of the Jewish community to the issues effecting women and girls and funds programs that benefit women and girls in the Jewish community.
The Little Market’s mission is to build sustainable partnerships with artisans in developing countries, by connecting them with customers through an online marketplace.